So what's the Deal?
Welcome to The Saskatchanaut GeoTrivia Challenge! Here's a little background on the site and what we hope to accomplish...
First, a little about myself... I am a Science Teacher working out of Moose Jaw, Sk. My main areas of interest lie in Science, Social Studies and Global Geography, and I spend much of my time trying to instill this passion in my students.
I've always had a keen interest in the cultural and geographical diversity of our planet. As a result, I never turn down an opportunity to see someplace new. Near or far. Through this page, I try to inspire some curiosity in others and maybe get some more people out to experience parts of the world they haven't seen before, or at the very least, become aware of some of the interesting things they didn't know about before. The world is a big place; We should try to see as much of it as we can in the time we're given. I believe that if you can spark a curiosity about the world, people will become more environmentally conscious and more empathetic to people in other parts of the world. We could use more of both.
Which brings us to this page... As I travel, I will be sharing the experience with you. Everywhere I go, I'll be carrying with me a little Lego Astronaut (pictured left) and I'll be logging pictures of him in all the places I visit. From April to June, I'll post a pic of Lego Saskatchanaut and you will have 1 week to identify the exact location that he is standing. (using latitude and longitude coordinates). Once you think you know where he's standing, copy the coordinates from Google Earth into the registration form found on the "This Week's Pic" page and send it to me. (instructions here) The closer you get to the correct location, the more points you'll earn. (rules here) The person with the most points at the end of the contest will get their name on the GeoTrivia Trophy. The contest will run from April through June each year.
My hope is that this page will accomplish several things...
I will feel obligated to continue travelling to new places.
You get to learn about new places,
You get to meet other people in the spirit of friendly competition
You get to add to your bucket list of places you'd like to visit some day -
Everybody Wins!
Ultimately, I'd like to reach as many people as I can, while building a large community of like-minded individuals interested in places beyond their sphere of experience. If you know of someone who would enjoy this game, please pass it along! Many of my students play and it's fun to see people from other places competing with them.
The contest starts in early April and ends near the end of June, so share this page with everyone you know. With your help, I think we could have a lot of fun.
Thanks for supporting this page. Please share your experience.