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The Saskatchanaut GeoTrivia 2025 Season Starts April 20, 2025!


Examine the image below and identify exactly where Lego Saskatchanaut is standing.

Your answer must be expressed in Latitude and Longitude Coordinates. General answers  - like "Edmonton" - are not quantifiable and can not be scored.


Please refer to the Rules section for scoring details and other protocols.

Please refer to the Lat-Long section for tips on properly determining location


Your best programs for dropping pins are (in order)

1. Google Earth Pro ( Installed )

2. Google Maps

3. Google Earth Online

Instructions for each are found here




For best results, use a combination of Google Earth and Google Maps.


Sometimes one has a better StreetView than the other


When you're ready...

Have Fun and Best of Luck!


​Click here to learn how to play!




Follow @saskatchanaut

on Instagram to track the adventure and find valuable clues in the contest!

You can now earn a 1 point, Early Bird bonus for being the first entry of the week!

New images are posted on Sundays.

These apps are useful for finding Latitude and Longitude on your mobile device...

(But I still recommend playing on your PC)

GeoTrivia Hall of Champions


Jacques Borgeaud - 2024

Cal Johnson  - 2023

Avery Surtees - 2022

Dustin Swanson - 2021

Dustin Swanson - 2020

David McSween - 2019

Kyle Yamniuk - 2018

Dustin Swanson - 2017

Jaydon Patterson - 2016

Jaydon Patterson - 2015

Jesse Sjoberg - 2014



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